the coffin of IEFYR DZEKH'AIIRN. are you scared of one meager corpse?

Simulacrum of their sire and forlorn relic. It's a sea of differences that separates Iefyr from the makings of man, that they seek to cross. All their body's wrongness could be redone again in the correct and humane way—if, and only if—they could get 'home.'

And they'll do anything.

  • Name: Iefyr Galatokh Dzekh'aiirn

  • Age: N/A

  • Pronouns: They&Them — takes any

  • Makings: Homunculus of Mhachi origin

  • Occupation: Guardsman of Maidens Rest, Aspirant Knight-Errant besides

To those who know no better, Iefyr appears as a hornless Au Ra of no known lineage or people. They render an archaic salute with an accent befitting. Despite giving off the airs of being a concerning figure, they're actually quite polite—maybe begrudgingly.


The stalwart watch of their little hub, their simple patrol routes ensure that the quiet town of Maiden's Rest at least spot them once or twice. Iefyr was found estranged and lost in the ruins of Mhach, taking up the mantle as guardsman as soon as they regained their composure. Though their steely countenance might not betray much of their thoughts, it's made clear in a single conversation that they don't mean this on purpose; their honest thoughts ruminate out from them, warranted or no.



Iefyr is a masculine-leaning sizable 'Raen' lingering at an average six feet. They hold sentimental attachment to the heavy halberd they carry on one shoulder and the simple sword sheathed at their hip. Their face is framed with dyed black hair. They squint ahead with dull red eyes and darkened scelera. They are fashioned with pragmatic gambersons and cloaks, hardly ever asking for more.

As strangely Hyur-esque as they come across, they do have horns: you're just not privy to them. Given the opportunity, Iefyr will occasionally sprout 'horns', moreso antlers, that shed after in the aftermath of the hour. Other strangeness comes in the form of their sauropod paws and un-beating heart and dead blood they spill.Their Aether is distinctly umbral with the taste of salted earth.



town watch

iefyr was found in the outskirts of mor dhona and has since taken up diligent position as the guardsman of maiden's rest; a township just near the yafaem saltmoor.their patrol is largely simple due to the small nature of the town, but they're likely to pick up wanderers that come near the outskirts.

valorous knight //

ever since regaining a grander understanding of the modern climate, iefyr has been resolute on the idea of becoming a knight. would you happen to be looking for a squire?

came from the moors

one day, iefyr simply wandered into town and took up the helm as apart of maiden's rest' town watch. they exhibit exorbitant, almost obsessive knowledge over the neighboring remains of mhach—or more specifically a period of it—frequently making ventures to discover more past the start of the magi war.

community //

iefyr reserves a special place in their heart for man-made creations, regardless of how they came about. diligently, they usher these 'colleagues', they call them, under their wing to offer protection in any way feasible.

hoarder //

iefyr, being a town guardsman, is oft too per-occupied to lead out into the rest of mor dhona. thus, passing adventurers who come across them on their shift may be asked to retrieve a few things for him. a quest, of sorts, typically to collect an armful of aether-charged crystals.
or a living specimen.

The Fire is Gone